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Si riparte!!!! E lo facciamo vagabondando per la nostra bellissima regione con un mini Summer tour in Toscana, sui fiumi e al mare! Ecco qui

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7 days ago


greetings from the most beautiful neighborhood of Florence ... Vedi altroVedi meno

greetings from the most beautiful neighborhood of Florence

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Suppi sul Mugnone??

8 months ago


The start of the season is getting closer - book your adventure in the river Serchio! An amazing day paddling in clear blue waters crossing the Garfagnana valley until the hearth of Lucca ... Vedi altroVedi meno

10 months ago


wishing a 2024 clean and smooth like this wave.. ... Vedi altroVedi meno

wishing a 2024 clean and smooth like this wave..

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Ti auguro un 2024 di parcheggi di furgone dritti dritti …!

10 months ago


and finally we get to the end of a very long work season with Toscanasup, started in march! Some waves with a superfun board. Thanks for pics Giulio Bogani ... Vedi altroVedi meno

and finally we get to the end of a very long work season with Toscanasup, started in march! Some waves with a superfun board. Thanks for pics Giulio Bogani
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